
Exhibition FOTOHOF – Salzburg






Juli Susin - Chute d’eau hors-champ

Véronique Bourgoin - Les labyrinthes du temps


Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg, Autriche

Opening: 12th of March, 7 pm – Introduction by Dirk BAKKER

Exhibition duration: 13th of March – 25th of April



Juli SUSIN – Chute d’eau hors-champ

These photographs were taken between 2000 and 2014 while scouting locations, in both the literal and cinematic sense of the term. The camera was focused on the subject, but with no guarantee of the truth. Everyone can interpret the facts his or her own way, or can regard the photos as part of an anonymous archive, left behind in some bottom drawer of a research facility, for reasons that are unclear. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.



Véronique BOURGOIN – Les labyrinthes du temps

Each work opens new spaces, wherein “matter” and “black holes” meet up with their trajectories, creating temporal distortion, immersing the visitor in a paradoxical situation between visionary dreams and interior chaos. A universe where altered image, overexposed by “too much” light can disappear in an instant, leaving a sparkling trace behind it, as if something persisted inside. Our memory is stored in “clouds”, black screens, new magical mirrors, inciting images of what we’d like to be, all the information we’d like to know, the mirror Alice crosses, the water of the Styx in which Narcissus seeks his reflection, an immaterial flow where saturation of images and information also provoke their erasure.